NORDUnet is a collaboration between national research and education networks (NREN) in the 5 Nordic countries; Denmark (DeIC), Iceland (RHnet), Norway (Uninett), Sweden (SUNET) and Finland (Funet). The Nordic region (5 countries and three autonomous regions) has a population of 25 million, 9 official languages ​​and a strong cooperation agreement. Together, the country forms the world’s 11 largest economy.

The Challenge

Scalable and flexible

The desire was a scalable and flexible network infrastructure that enables faster time-to-service.

The Juniper platform from IPnett enables us to offer high-capacity IP services in the Nordic network for education and research for many years to come.”

Jørgen Qvist, Chief Operating Officer Networking in NORDUnet

The Solution

New core network

New core network for research and education for the Nordic university network NORDUnet.

  • Increased capacity
  • Increased uptime
  • New functionality
  • NORDUnet can offer its customers a new level of services

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