Response Center

Response Center – Optimizing Digital Healthcare Services

As Norwegian municipalities work to deliver effective digital healthcare services across various settings – home care, assisted living, and nursing homes – the response center plays an increasingly vital role. With NetNordics technology, more aspects of care follow-up can now be managed digitally, helping municipalities make better use of their workforce and deliver more care for their resources.

To address resource shortages effectively, collaboration between different care settings is essential, with the response center serving as the central hub. By using modern technology for continuous monitoring, effective alert systems, and coordinated response plans, response centers can support healthcare professionals in providing timely and efficient care. This digital approach helps optimize staff capacity and allows municipalities to deliver higher quality care within existing budgets.

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Ina Brentebråten-Gulbrandsen Sales Manager eHealth
Response Center

NetNordics Mission: Supporting Municipal Healthcare

NetNordic is committed to equipping response centers with digital tools that enhance healthcare services across all care settings. Our solutions empower municipalities to provide better, more personalized care to patients and families, maximizing the impact of each kroner spent.

Response Center

Our Services for
Response Centers

Our platform, NetNordic Care, is designed to meet the diverse needs of the healthcare sector. It offers a single, integrated, and secure solution that enhances patient independence, reduces concerns for families, and supports sustainable healthcare for Norway’s aging population. With NetNordic, municipalities can ensure effective communication, a comprehensive overview of patient needs, and streamlined response procedures.

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Response Center

NetNordic: Your Partner in Digital Healthcare

Learn more about our digital eHealth services for home care, assisted living, and nursing homes, or reach out to us using the contact form. We look forward to partnering with you to improve healthcare delivery.

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