Case Studies
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All case studies
Network for the Office Cluster Technopolis NetNordic provides networking solutions and serves as a t...
Værnes Response
Welfare Technology for Værnes Response We have delivered NetNordic Care to the response center at th...
NetNordic Ensures Efficient Operations for Schibsted Norway NetNordic ensures an efficient and stabl...
Norwegian Nurses’ Association
Increased Collaboration for the Norwegian Nurses’ Association NetNordic has contributed to inc...
Alarm Center Telemark
Welfare Technology for the Alarm Center Telemark We provide NetNordic Care to the Alarm Center Telem...
Hotel Verdandi
Complete IT Solution for Hotel Verdandi NetNordic provides WiFi, telephony, and entertainment soluti...
Hotel Continental
Best possible user experience in guest rooms Hotel Continental needed to improve its offering to gue...
Thon Hotel
Upgrading 50 Telephone Exchanges for Thon Hotels Thon had standalone telephone exchanges at each hot...
Efficient Call Center for Kystverket In close collaboration with Krystverket, NetNordic has develope...